Tips & Tricks

Start a Travel Blog

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The first rule of travel blogging is that anyone can become a travel blogger. But, only if they are ready to be fully committed. Being a travel blogger involves a lot of talking to people, networking, and being up until 4 am. If you are ready for all of this, read the tips listed below. […]

Tips & Tricks

Always Make a List

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Before each trip, be sure to write down all the ideas you have. Ideas don’t stay for that long, and you need to capture them fast before they are gone in the wind.


Seeing All of Copenhagen in One Day? Possible!

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Vestibulum et enim at lectus aliquam congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean porta, diam quis pellentesque malesuada, ligula erat convallis dolor, in efficitur nibh tortor id felis. In quis ligula turpis.


Evora, Portugal: Praia da Vigia, the Most Beautiful Beach in the World

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After Mumbai and the Sahara desert, we needed a break. We wanted to find a relaxing, small town in Europe, where we can drink wine, and go to the beach. Although the French vineyards sounded like a dream, Aya, the girl we met in Marrakech, mentioned Evora, a city in the Alentejo region, in Central […]


Yokohama Chinatown, Japan: The Best Cup of Tea of Our Life?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce lobortis nibh sed est aliquam, vitae eleifend tortor sagittis. Aliquam est diam, ullamcorper eget hendrerit eget, pharetra sit amet purus. In pretium diam fermentum malesuada hendrerit. Ut vitae luctus urna. Sed eu faucibus sapien. Praesent ac dolor orci. Duis leo felis, tincidunt at libero id, facilisis […]


Our First Trip: Visiting Mumbai and Getting a Culture Shock, Part I

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So, we packed our bags and headed to see the world. For our first destination, we chose Mumbai, as it is one of the cities Matt has been talking about for years, ever since we were in college. Experiencing Mumbai As soon as we got there, I was surprised by how polite people are. Don’t […]


Wonders of Egypt: Drinking from the Nile and Visiting the Giza Pyramids

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Suspendisse ipsum magna, facilisis ut dapibus volutpat, aliquam ac erat. Nulla ultricies euismod dolor a rutrum. Fusce tempor tortor eu ex cursus vulputate. Aliquam libero lectus, pellentesque at euismod a, condimentum pulvinar nunc. Integer in dui ut ligula fermentum eleifend id et nibh. Donec sit amet urna vitae mi pretium elementum. Ut pharetra congue elit […]


Southwestern Kenya: Maasai Mara National Reserve

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse scelerisque sollicitudin quam id suscipit. Duis id lobortis nisi, eu tempor purus. Donec ac enim ut lorem porta efficitur. Etiam nulla lorem, rutrum a placerat quis, consequat non justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec aliquet orci vestibulum […]


I Visited the Destination of My Dreams: The Sahara Desert

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Ever since I saw Disney’s Aladdin for the first time, I fell in love with the North African culture and aesthetics. I used to beg my mom to read me anything she could find on Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt every night before bed. And that’s how my love for the dreamy, perfectly sculpted desert Sahara […]